Website Manager

3&2 is a great place to pick up a part time to seasonal full-time job. There are several positions available. To apply, please complete an on-line application for that specific area. On-line applications can be found under "On-line Forms" on the left hand  menu. Applicants need to be last least 14 years old (16+ for Grounds Crew). To contact a supervisor, locate his/her e-mail address on the Board & Staff page found under the "About 3&2" tab on the left hand menu.

Position (Open or Closed)DescriptionSupervisor
Ground Crew (Open)Field preparation & facility maintenance.Jeff Chalk
Field Manager (Open)Monitor complex and games while in sessionJeff Chalk
Umpire (Open)Work games from 1st grade machine pitch to high school.Jeff Chalk
Concession CrewFood preparation and salesJeff Chalk


If you have already applied for a position at 3&2 Baseball, Thank You. We will review all applications carefully. Should you be considered further for the position for which you applied, a 3&2 staff member will call you for an interview and discuss the next steps. The Spring/Summer season begins in April and the Fall season starts in August each year.


Greenwood 3&2 Baseball
18300 W. 87th Street 
Lenexa, Kansas 66220

Phone: 913-888-8055

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